Fall back in Love with Your Fitness Journey on a Fitness Retreat in Mexico.

If you're already feeling the stress of not meeting your fitness and wellness goals for the New Year, maybe it's time to think about taking an action that will truly reset your body and mind for a new era of Wellness. Booking your spot at an all-inclusive fitness retreat in Tulum, Mexico, could be the best thing you do for your fitness goals all year.

Happy smiling women working out at a Fitness Retreat in Mexico.

Vitamin-Sea for your Fitness Goals!

We Understand How Hard it Can be Hard to Meet and Stick to our Fitness Goals

Why is it that sometimes we have all the tools, signed up for that gym membership, downloaded the schedule for our fitness classes in mexico, yet we still struggle to meet our fitness goals? Whether it's days, weeks or months gone by without working out, or you're simply not seeing the lifestyle results you want from your workouts, there's nothing worse than feeling like you could be doing better.  Instead of being stuck in a cycle of shame and anxiety about your fitness journey, maybe all you need is to fall back in love with the journey in the first place? Why not try something completely new and out of your comfort zone to restart this love affair? We think our Fitness Retreat in Mexico could be the solution you're looking for!

Amansala Rooftop Fitness Retreat Class

Amansala Rooftop Fitness Retreat Class

It's time to take an Alternative Fitness Journey

A Fitness Retreat in Mexico is the perfect way to completely reset not only your physical body, but your mindset around your fitness and wellbeing too. Apart from the proven benefits that working out has on our body such as increasing our energy levels, building muscle strength and helping our body's immune function, working out has been shown to improve our mental health too. And vice versa. Looking inward and reflecting on our beliefs, mindset, habits and way of being, is all a part of our overall fitness and wellbeing journey.

At our Fitness Retreat in Tulum, Mexico, we include a holistic look at Fitness as one part of our overall wellbeing. Included in our all Fitness Retreats is Yoga, Meditation, Bodywork, Energy Healing and Spa services. Along with deliciously nutritious meals, experienced and caring teachers and the beautiful natural landscape of Mexico, our Fitness Retreat is really a Paradise in waiting.

Have fun at an Amansala Fitness Retreat in Mexico.

Have fun working out at an Amansala Fitness Retreat in Mexico.

Fitness Retreat in Mexico: You Don't Need to Do It Alone 

So often we are focused on meeting strict fitness goals, that the fun and community aspects of fitness are completely lost. Reconnecting with the love of our fitness and wellness journey is not something we need to do alone. In fact, working out with others has been shown to increase the enjoyment of exercise and make it more likely for us to stick to our goals.

Booking a solo trip to a Fitness Retreat in Mexico can feel intimidating for some, especially if we are feeling lost and disconnected from our fitness goals, but facing our fears head on is one path towards the growth needed to evolve in our fitness and wellbeing journey. Our Fitness Retreat in Mexico is for any fitness level and mindset, so no matter where you are in your journey, you can feel safe, supported and have the opportunity to make friendships that will last a lifetime. You can also bring a friend or two with you by booking one of our double or triple rooms. Friends that workout together, Stay together!

At our Fitness Retreat in Tulum, Mexico we are all about community and bringing the joy back into our lives and then sharing that with others. Take a look here for upcoming dates.

Picture of a group of friends working out on Tulum Beach and an Amansala Fitness Retreat in Mexico.

Working out in a group has proven benefits to your Wellbeing.

What happens on our Fitness Retreat in Tulum, Mexico

You might be curious about what happens on a typical day at our Fitness Retreat in Tulum, Mexico. Arrive at our beautiful Beachfront Hotel and be welcomed by our friendly staff, get settled into your choice of room and relax and unwind from the stressors of everyday life you have left behind. Join our welcome circle and go over what you can expect and the schedule for the next 6 days on our all inclusive Fitness Retreat:

  • Morning Beach Walks next to the changing colors of the sunrise reflected in the Caribbean Sea

  • Tune into yourself with 2 yoga classes offered daily

  • A variety of fitness classes including circuit, sculpt, dance or tone

  • Spa services to choose from such as Mayan Healing, Deep Tissue Massage, Reflexology and more

  • Tours and Adventures to connect with the local culture and nature

  • Healthy food to nourish your body and soul

Our Fitness Retreat in Mexico is the perfect way to relax, reset and recommit to your fitness goals with a community of supporters behind you.

Guests Enjoy eating their meals looking out at the ocean on their fitness retreat in Mexico

The beautiful Amansala Beach Club. Have your nutritious and delicious meals looking out at the Ocean.

Leave feeling refreshed, renewed and motivated

Committing to your fitness and wellbeing is an act of self love. Sometimes, amongst the distractions and stress of our daily lives, we forget to love ourselves and the journey in the process. Our Fitness journey starts to feel heavy, instead of light, fun and enriching. The deeper we get into this cycle, the harder it can be to pull ourselves out. But you don't have to do this alone, and there is a program we have created for a full mind-body reset and rejuvenation. Whether you are looking for a complete reset, or you are simply choosing to treat yourself and your body to a beach fitness vacation, there has never been a better time to fully commit to yourself and surrender into this new era of Wellbeing.

Come and join us at Amansala on our Fitness Retreat, your community is waiting!


The Ultimate Guide to High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) Classes


Nourish Yourself with Wellness and Yoga Retreat in Tulum